Dr. M.K. Moosa Kunhi is the pioneer and renowned heart surgeon whose services are highly appreciable and stands tall. He is the first Heart Surgeon in India to introduce the advanced technology of bypass operation (Beating Heart Surgery), which has changed the face of Cardiac Surgery, making it more economical, safe and affordable to the common people. His immense contribution in the field of child heart surgery has helped many children to lead a better life. Dr. Moosa is the only Heart Surgeon from India invited by the Europe’s biggest heart surgery hospital, German Heart Institute, Berlin, Germany as a guest heart surgeon and got the opportunity to work with world renowned heart surgeons like Dr. Volkmar Falk, Dr. Thomas Krobatche, Dr. Potapo to get highly advanced training in heart transplant and artificial heart surgery.
Expertise In :
Consultant Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeon (visiting)
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