Complex Surgery performed in Indiana Hospital on 20 years old woman to save her leg from Amputation.

A Woman from Kannur was suffering from cancerous tumor on her left leg which recurred after initial surgery done elsewhere. The only option in such situation is amputation (Removal of leg). They had visited multiple higher centers where the option given was amputation.

At Indiana Hospital& Heart Institute Ltd, under the leadership of Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar, Cancer Surgeon along with Dr. Imtiaz & Dr. Abhishek, Orthopedic Surgeons and Dr. Vincent, Anaesthetist, performed a complex surgical procedure to remove recurrent cancerous tumour to save the Limb using mega prosthesis has been done for the first time in India reported.

Now she can lead a normal life with minimal disability. She thanked the surgeon Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar and team for giving her new life to her.

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